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What is Anxiety? Understanding the Really Tough Feelings

By Kevin Dam May 13, 2024 0 comments

Anxiety is more than just feeling worried or stressed. Stress goes away after whatever is causing it ends. But anxiety can stick around without any clear reason. It can make daily life really hard.

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is not just a single feeling but a complex emotional response to anticipated future threats. It can vary greatly from one person to another, making it a deeply personal experience. For some, it's a mild sense of unease; for others, it can be an overwhelming wave of terror.

Symptoms of Anxiety

The symptoms of anxiety can vary widely, but commonly include:

  • Physical Symptoms: Palpitations, sweating, trembling, and gastrointestinal issues.
  • Emotional Symptoms: Feelings of dread, restlessness, and being 'on-edge' without specific cause.
  • Cognitive Symptoms: Racing thoughts, unwanted thoughts, concentration issues, and fear of worst-case scenarios.
  • Behavioral Symptoms: Avoidance of perceived triggers of anxiety, such as social gatherings or specific places.

Common Causes of Anxiety

Anxiety can stem from a variety of sources:

  • Genetic Factors: Family history can play a key role in predisposing individuals to anxiety.
  • Environmental Factors: Traumatic experiences, stress at work or home, and life circumstances.
  • Medical Factors: Side effects of medication, symptoms of a different disease, or stress from a serious underlying medical condition.
  • Brain Chemistry: Dysregulation of hormones and electrical signals in the brain.

How Anxiety Impacts Daily Life

Unchecked anxiety can ripple through all areas of life, affecting:

  • Relationships: It can strain interactions with friends and loved ones.
  • Work Performance: High anxiety can lead to decreased productivity and dissatisfaction at work.
  • Personal Happiness: Chronic anxiety may lead to depression and a diminished quality of life.

How To Manage Anxiety

Managing anxiety effectively involves recognizing triggers and symptoms and using tools to cope:

  • Breathing Exercises: Simple techniques can help calm the mind.
  • Mindfulness: Staying present can reduce feelings of anxiety.
  • Professional Help: For persistent or severe anxiety, therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication can be beneficial.


How Anxiety Jewelry Can Help

At SerenityWithinYou, we believe in supporting mental health not only through awareness but also through therapeutic aids like anxiety jewelry. Our specially crafted pieces are designed to provide comfort and serve as a grounding tool to help soothe the nervous system. Wearing our jewelry can serve as a personal reminder to breathe, focus, and recenter.


Understanding anxiety is the first step towards managing it effectively. By recognizing the symptoms and understanding the causes, individuals can seek appropriate treatments. Our anxiety jewelry at Serenity Within You offers a complementary way to remind yourself of your strength and resilience in facing daily challenges.


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